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Let's make our body a work of art

"Zygmunt Baumann"

The "L’oro di Loriana" cosmetic line is characterized by extremely careful formulations that respect the naturalness of the product and its quality. Olive oil is the precious ingredient that characterizes the entire line in which there are also many other plant extracts.

To date, olive oil is the best known and most widely used vegetable lipid due to its well-known nutritional properties.

Even in the dermatological field, olive oil has always been widely used for its eudermic properties. In folk medicine it was used in liniments against itching, in the treatment of dermatosis and burns. At the beginning of the last century, olive oil was sold in pharmacies as medicine and was often used in the preparation of impromptu drugs.

Rovesti defines it as "... an excellent natural remedy with no contraindications".

Poserpio, considered the father of green cosmetics, uses it in many formulations, in particular for its ability to absorb part of UV radiation (300 nm).

The set of biologically active substances that make it up make olive oil an extraordinary ingredient also in the cosmetic field and an excellent ally for the skin. Olive oil, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, is able to soften and lubricate the rough outer layer of the skin, protecting it from aggressive external agents. Its unsaponifiable fraction consisting of squalene, alcohols and fatty acids, sterols, having a composition very similar to that of sebum, is able to restore the physiological fat fraction of the skin's hydrolipidic film. Olive oil is also an excellent ally against the physiological skin aging process: its richness in phenolic substances prevents the oxidation process of cells caused by free radicals.

But this extraordinary oil also has another very important peculiarity: it can be the conduit for other active ingredients. This last feature has been widely exploited in the formulation of this cosmetic line. In fact, in all the products in the line, there are plant extracts of officinal plants processed by hand. Each extract was obtained starting from the harvest of the plant in its balsamic time and from the subsequent craftsmanship performed at room temperature. Processing at room temperature, which is particularly laborious and lengthy, preserves both the active substances present in medicinal plants and the olive oil itself. The fusion and harmony between the olive oil and the added extracts and the meticulous and slow craftsmanship has resulted in the creations of a truly precious and one of a kind cosmetic line.


Bibliographical references

Rovesti P: Piante utili della flora ligure – Chimica oggi, n.7, 47-48, 1983;

Poggi P: La bellezza dall’Olio di Oliva – Erboristeria domani, n.237, 48-56, 2000;
Ann: The unsaponifiables from Olive Oil - Doc, Res Pharma technical center, Cosmet news, XIII, 74, 1990.


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L'oro di Loriana

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Contrada S. Pietro Vecchio, 63900 Fermo FM

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